
 原題は「Stella by Starlight」。ビクター・ヤングが映画『呪いの家』のために作曲し、ジャズのスタンダードナンバーとなっている。あまり上等そうでないタイトルの映画だが、なにしろ1944年の作品だからお目にかかる機会はなかった。出来映えはどうなんでしょうね。








The song a robin sings
Through years of endless springs
The murmur of a brook at eventide
That ripples by a nook where two lovers hide
A great symphonic theme
That's Stella by starlight and not a dream
She's all of these and more
She's everything that you'd adore

The song a robin sings
Through years of endless springs
The murmur of a brook at eventide
That ripples by a nook where two lovers hide
A great symphonic theme
That's Stella by starlight and not a dream
She's is all of these and more
She's everything that you'd adore

Have you seen Stella by starlite with moon in her hair
That's Stella by starlight raptures so rare

She's is all of these and more
She's everything that you'd adore 

